David, Washington DC – US

Thank you all so very much for an absolutely marvelous week !

Your hospitality ,flexibility, understanding and company were wonderful ! You shared with us this beautiful boat, country , wine, cheese, food and so much laughter ! We are very fortunate to have been your guests and now friends.

Merci beaucoup.

22nd  June 2019

Marcia , Kerikeri- New Zealand

Thank you to Alex, Nicole and Carls for an excellent trip. It exceeded my expectations. I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves French food, wine and culture and wants a relaxed barge holiday.

                                                                                                                8th June 2019

Adrian, Auckland – New Zealand

We enjoyed Alex’s captaining of the barge and the great vineyards, castles that he took us to. We appreciated Nicole’s care, her cups of tea and wealth of knowledge of Burgundy.

We loved Carls excellent meals due for some Michelin Stars !

8th June 2019

Maryanne , Auckland – New Zealand

We have very much enjoyed our week of canal and river cruising on « La Vie en Rose ». We had some fabulous food, cheese and wine and learnt a lot about the wine of the area and some history of Bourgogne !

The rest of the time  we relaxed soothed by the slow smooth feeling of the barge travelling along.

Fantastique !  Merci Alex, Nicole and Carls  !

8th June 2019